Joy of Coding 2015

JoyOfCoding is a one-day conference celebrating the art, craft, science and joy of software development, backed with a schedule filled with great speakers and packed with knowledge. This edition was held May 29 2015 at the Van Nelle ontwerpfabriek in Rotterdam.

Like you, we’re a bunch of developers who like going to interesting conferences and meetups. So there will be no commercial agenda or ulterior motive to Joy of Coding. It’s just a place where we can all get together and talk about code.

Participants in this video:
Felienne Hermans: @Felienne
Chris Granger: @ibdknox
Crista Lopes: @cristalopes
Roy van Rijn: @royvanrijn
Drawings by: @getekendverslag

and of course all the 280 visitors!

Only tweet nice things

The video was very well activated on Social Media.

Wát een goed filmpje maakte Eelco Romeijn van POI Creatives over de 'Joy of Coding'-meeting. Je ziet ons ook aan het…

Posted by Getekend Verslag on vrijdag 5 juni 2015


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