Joy of Coding 2015
JoyOfCoding is a one-day conference celebrating the art, craft, science and joy of software development, backed with a schedule filled with great speakers and packed with knowledge. This edition was held May 29 2015 at the Van Nelle ontwerpfabriek in Rotterdam.
Like you, we’re a bunch of developers who like going to interesting conferences and meetups. So there will be no commercial agenda or ulterior motive to Joy of Coding. It’s just a place where we can all get together and talk about code.
Participants in this video:
Felienne Hermans: @Felienne
Chris Granger: @ibdknox
Crista Lopes: @cristalopes
Roy van Rijn: @royvanrijn
Drawings by: @getekendverslag
and of course all the 280 visitors!
The video was very well activated on Social Media.
Video impression of Joy of Coding 2015!
— JoyOfCoding (@JoyOfCoding) 5 juni 2015
Wát een goed filmpje maakte Eelco Romeijn van POI Creatives over de 'Joy of Coding'-meeting. Je ziet ons ook aan het…
Posted by Getekend Verslag on vrijdag 5 juni 2015
Delightful Joy of Coding 2015 recap video by @EelcoRomeijn.
— Felienne Hermans (@Felienne) 8 juni 2015
Very nice coverage of #joyofcoding event:
Coding is like playing with an infinite box of #lego. 1/2
— Scratch2015AMS (@Scratch2015AMS) 9 juni 2015
The Joy of Coding: "Coding is a super power"
— Farset Labs (@FarsetLabs) 10 juni 2015